دليلك لكيفية اجتياز اختبار التوفل

1– ماهو اختبار التوفل:-

اختبار التوفل هو اختبار لقياس اجادة اللغة الإنجليزية كلغة أجنبية للأشخاص الغير ناطقين باللغة الانكليزية و الراغبين في الالتحاق في الجامعات الأميركية. يجرى الامتحان على الانترنت وتم تصميم اختبار التوفل بطريقة يمكن قياس درجة اجادة اللغة الانكليزية في جميع نواحيها وبصورة دقيقة، حيث تم تقسيم الاختبار الى اربع اقسام (القراءة، الاستماع،المحادثة، والكتابة) تحتسب درجة الامتحان من 120 وتوزع هذه الدرجة على الاقسام الاربعة بالتساوي (كل قسم 30 درجة). امتحان التوفل يجري ضمن وقت محدد وعليك الاجابة خلال هذا الوقت ولكل قسم من اقسام امتحان التوفل فترة زمنية خاصة به وتختلف عن باقي الاقسام. يستغرق امتحان التوفل أربع ساعات ونصف الساعة مع فترة استرحة تبلغ مدتها 10 دقائق. بعد عشرة ايام من الامتحان يتم تبليغك بنتيجة امتحان التوفل. توقيت وعدد ونوع الاسئلة لكل قسم مبينة في لجدول.

2- ماهي درجة النجاح ودرجة القبول في امتحان التوفل:-

لاتوجد درجة نجاح في امتحان التوفل ولكن توجد درجة قبول ويتم تحديدها من قبل المؤسسات والجامعات الامريكية. ان الحد الأدنى لدرجة امتحان التوفل المطلوبة للقبول في الجامعة الأميركية قد تختلف بين الجامعات. كمعدل معظم الجامعات تشترط درجة 79 في اختبار التوفل كحد ادنى للقبول (يجب ان لاتقل درجة كل قسم عن 18 درجة) بعض الجامعات الممتازة تشترط 100 درجة في اختبار التوفل كحد ادنى للقبول. لمعرفة الحد الادنى لدرجة القبول في اختبار التوفل الخاص في جامعتك، تابع الجدول التالي للجامعات مع الحد الادنى لدرجة القبول في امتحان التوفل .

TOEFL Cut off Score for US Universities
Arizona State University

THE minimum TOFEL score required for ASU is: 83
Auburn University
Cut off TOEFL Score: 80, with the following minimum section requirements
Reading: 20
Listening: 20
Speaking: 20
Writing: 20
Brigham Young University
TOEFL Score Requirement for BYU is: 85, with the following minimum section requirements
Reading: 21
Listening: 21
Speaking: 22
Writing: 21
Case Western Reserve University – School of Graduate Studies
Minimum TOEFL Total Score: 79, with the following minimum section requirements
Reading: 19
Listening: 15
Writing: 22
Speaking: 23
Carson-Newman College
Cut off Total Score: 79
Central Queensland University
Postgraduate Coursework – Total Score: 79, including a score of 20 or more in the Writing section
Research Program – Total Score: 100, including a score of 25 or more in the Writing section
Clarkson University
TOEFL Score Requirement: 90, with the following minimum section requirements
Reading: 21
Listening: 20
Speaking: 27
Writing: 22
Columbia International University
MA TEFL/ICS applicants – Total Score: 100
All other Graduate and Seminary applicants – Total Score: 80
Dalhousie University
Minimum Total Score Required: 92
Duke University
Total Score: 83, with the following minimum section requirements
Reading: 21
Listening: 20
Speaking: 22
Writing: 20
East Carolina University
Total Score: 80, with a minimum of 20 for each section
Grand Valley State University
Total Score: 80*
*Specific healthcare-related graduate degrees require a total score of 101-102

Lakehead University
Total Score: 80
Lehigh University
Minimum university scores that students should not fall below to be admitted without some remedial language assistance.
Individual skill section score recommendations are as follows:

Total Score: 85, with the following minimum section requirements
Reading: 21
Listening: 15
Speaking: 24
Writing: 25
Manhattanville College
Total Score: 85, with a minimum of 21 for Listening and Speaking
Marquette University – Graduate School of Management
Total Score: 80; with a minimum of 20 for each section
McGill University
Total Score: 86; with a minimum of 20 for each section
Michigan State University
Total Score: 80
Section scores to be determined
Middle Tennessee State University
Total Score: 71
Murray State University
Minimum section requirements*
Reading: 20
Listening: 20
Speaking: 20
Writing: 20
*Some graduate programs may require higher scores

National American University
Total Score: 61
New York Institute of Technology
Total Score: 61-79
Students who score between 61-78 must take the internal English Placement Exam upon arrival to NYIT and before registration
Northern Arizona University
Total Score: 80
Northern Kentucky University
The total score for cBT: 213, with an essay score of 4.5 or better
The total score for PBT: 550, with an essay score of 4.5 or better
The total score for iBT: 79-80
North Park University
Total Score: 90, with a minimum of 21 for each section
Northwestern State University
Total Score: 61, with a minimum of 20 for Speaking and for Writing
Pennsylvania State University
Total Score: 80, with a minimum of 23 for Speaking
Ohio State University
Total Score: 79
Old Dominion University
Total Score: 80, with the following minimum section requirements
Reading: 21
Listening: 18
Speaking: 22
Writing: 19
The minimum Speaking score for International Teaching Assistants: 26
Oregon State
Total Score: 80, with a minimum of 18 for each section
Total Score: 60 for conditional admission, with no section requirements
Purdue University
Total Score: 77, with the following minimum section requirements
Reading: 19
Listening: 14
Speaking: 18
Writing: 18
Queen’s University
Total Score: 88, with the following minimum section requirements
Reading: 22
Listening: 20
Speaking: 22
Writing: 24
Quinnipiac University
Total Score: 90
Rollins College Crummer Graduate School of Business
Total Score: 100
Saint Cloud University – School of Graduate Studies
Total Score: 79, with a minimum of 17 for each section
Savannah College of Art & Design
Total Score: 85, with the following minimum section requirements
Reading: 18
Listening: 20
Speaking: 23
Writing: 24
Simmons College – College of Arts and Sciences
Total Score: 100 for Communications Management, MATES, Special Education, Gender/Cultural Studies
Total Score: 80 for MAT, Children’s Literature, English, Spanish
Simmons College – School for Health Studies
Total Score: 88
Simmons College – School for Library and Information Science
Total Score: 79
Simon Fraser University
Total Score: 88, with a minimum required score of 20 for each section.
A lesser requirement of a 76 minimum total score is sufficient for entry to the English Bridge Program.
St. John’s College – Graduate Institute (Annapolis, MD/Santa Fe, NM)
Master of Arts in Liberal Arts and Master of Arts in Eastern Classics programs – Total Score: 112, with a minimum of 27 for each section
Swinburne University of Technology
Programs with requirements of TOEFL® PBT of 550 or TOEFL® CBT of 213 require a TOEFL iBT score of 80
Programs with requirements of TOEFL PBT of 577 or TOEFL CBT of 232 require a TOEFL iBT score of 90
Programs with requirements of TOEFL PBT of 600 or TOEFL CBT of 250 require a TOEFL iBT score of 100
The University of the Arts
Total Score: 79
University of Arkansas
Total Score: 80
University of Buffalo (SUNY) – Roswell Park Cancer Institute Division
Total Score: 96, with a minimum of 24 for Speaking
University of California – Berkeley
Total Score: 68, with the following minimum section requirements
Reading: 17
Listening: 16
Speaking: 17
Writing: 18
Minimum Speaking score for appointment as a Graduate Student Instructor (TA): 26
The University of Colorado at Denver and Health Sciences Center
Total Score: 80, with a recommended score of 89
University of Denver
Total Score: 80 for most graduate departments
University of Illinois – Chicago
Total Score: 80, with the following minimum section requirements
Reading: 19
Speaking: 20
Listening: 17
Writing: 21
University of Lethbridge
Total Score: 93
University of Minnesota
Total Score: 79, with the following minimum section requirements
Reading: 19
Writing: 21
University of Missouri – Rolla
Total Score: 80
University of North Texas
Total Score: 79, with the following minimum section requirements
Reading: 20
Listening: 21
Speaking: 19
Writing: 27
The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
Total Score: 79-80
University of Texas – Arlington
Total Score: 79, with the following minimum section requirements
Reading: 20
Listening: 16
Speaking: 21
Writing: 22
University of Texas – Austin
Minimum Required Total Score: 79, with a preferred score of 21 for each section
University of Texas-San Antonio
Total Score: 100 for admission with exemption from the UTSA English Language Assessment Program (ELAP)
Total Score: 61 for qualified admission and participation in zero to three ELAP courses
University of Toronto
Total Score: 93, with a minimum of 22 for Writing and for Speaking
University of Virginia
Total Score: 90, with following minimum section requirements
Reading: 23
Speaking: 22
Listening: 23
Writing: 22
University of Washington
Admission with English language requirement: Combined score of 45 in Reading, Listening, and Writing
Admission with no English language requirement: Combined score of 70 in Reading, Listening, and Writing
Vlerick Leuven Gent Management School
Total Score: 100
Please note: some institutions may require higher scores than those listed here. For complete information, please visit the institution’s Web site.

Educational Commission for Foreign Veterinary Graduates (U.S.)
Total Score: 80, with the following minimum section requirements
Speaking: 26
Listening: 26
Writing: 17
Foreign Credentialing Commission on Physical Therapy (FCCPT)
Total Score: 89, with the following minimum section requirement
Speaking: 26
International Medical Graduates – Ontario (Canada)
Total Score: 93, with a minimum of 24 for Speaking
Candidates applying to Community Medicine must also achieve a minimum of 22 for Writing
National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy (U.S.)
Total Score: 89, with the following minimum section requirements
Reading: 18
Speaking: 26
Listening: 21
Writing: 24
National Association of Boards of Pharmacy (U.S.)
Reading: 21
Speaking: 26
Listening: 18
Writing: 24

​Portland State University: TOEFL Score cutoff is 80

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